A one-party system benefits only extremists. Think of Cuba or North Korea.
America’s greatness comes from its robust multi-party system.
This inspired American system harnesses the power of all its citizens. Working together, Americans compromise to find common ground to solve mutual problems.
Why should Americans in Utah miss out on the benefits of the American multi-party system? We have serious challenges in education, air pollution, and jobs creation. Meanwhile, the Utah State Legislature fiddles, passing wasteful and unconstitutional “message bills” while Rome burns.
I’m Dr. Alan Keele, a retired BYU professor. I’m running for the Utah State House as a Democrat. My standards are the shared community’s standards and those of my Church, including such “hot-button” issues as abortion and gay marriage.
Deeply concerned about the political climate in Utah, I have taken to heart the First Presidency’s plea for “men and women to be willing to serve on school boards ... state legislatures, and other high offices .. including involvement in the political party of their choice.” The political party of choice for me happens to be the Democratic Party. (My former mission companion in Germany, Elder Marlin K. Jensen, spokesman for the Church on the problem of the one-party system, has categorically stated: “Any notion that it is impossible to be a Democrat and a good Mormon is wrongheaded and should be obliterated.”)
I want to get involved with what I am calling Independent Democrats and Republicans in a new Effort (I DARE!) to bring back good governance to Utah. For the sake of our community I want to help restore what Elder Jensen called a “robust, multi-party system.” Won’t you join me on November second? Do you DARE cross party lines – just this once? – to join me in standing up for Democracy? I hope you do! Thanks!
Dr. Alan Keele (Contact me with suggestions or support: akeele@gmail.com )